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Kitty Star of the Week for Jul. 29 - Aug. 4, 2007.

Our star this week is Mr. Vegemite.

Black cat
Mr. Vegemite

His person-mom writes,

"This kitty is a stray cat that has been hanging around for quite some time off and on, you know, sneaking and stealing Lady Jane's [one of our other kitties] food, etc. He looked pretty rough, and I just fell in love with him, and I took him to the vets to get him fixed.

stray cat
Stray Kitty

"He also had abscesses on both sides of his face and earmites. The vet drained the abscesses and got rid of the ear mites and fixed him. He was tested for FIV and it did turn out a light blue positive. I did not want him put down because he captured my heart.

A Sweetheart

"I named him Mr. Vegemite after that Aussie black bread spread beef yeast extract that I keep up in my cupboard and love to eat.

"Mr. V is so sweet and he is feeling so much better. He takes his medicine for me in milk in the mornings. I tried to see if he had owners and could not find them. If he did, they are horribly neglectful. I am trying to get him used to hanging around. He is still frightened of a lot of things, except for me.

A bit nervous still

"When I brought him home, I kept him in the spare room with the door shut so he could have peace because Love Muffin [another of our cats] kept growling and bothering him and hissing. I laid the squirt gun by the door and she left him alone!!

"He is very friendly to my cats, and the cats don't seem to mind him. He looks so much happier because he must have been in a lot of pain with those abscesses on his face that you can see in the picture below his ears.

Abscess (being looked after now)

"I managed to bring him in for a few hours last night and put him in his own private special room so Love Muffin wouldn't try to harrass him and so I could love on him.

I like attention

"He loves nice warm baked chicken! Mr. V. also likes his milk that I sneak the antibiotics into. He gets so excited and filled with love that he "drools" over my arms! His head butts are very strong.

on sofa
At Home Now

"I could not have him put down especially since I know that often the light blue positive FIV tests are actually a 'false' positive. Mr. Vegemite just seems too robust and very musular and heavy, about 15 pounds, to think of him being sick that way. We shall see and I will try to do the best I can in giving him a happy life.

Mr. Vegemite
Happy Fellow

"He is not used to being in a house and I tried to play with him with a cat toy, one of those sticks with elastic and toy on the end that my other cats love, it scared him! So, poor little kitten, he had nobody to teach him to play.

outdoor cat
I still like it outside

"I am waiting for him right now to make his morning stop over so I can give him his breakfast and medicine. I had to let him out last night because he doesn't want to use the litter box. He really lets you know when he wants out.

out please
Out, Please

"Mr. V. let me bath him last night. I got a pan of water and a washrag and wiped him all over like my hand was a giant kitty tongue. He loved it! The water was brown afterwards -- he was very dusty. He looks lovely now."

cat friends
Handsome Boy

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