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Kitty Stars of the Week for July 21 - 27, 2002.

Meet our first kitty star... Rubberneck is this black cat's name, and she loves it. Her humans also call her Rubberhead, Liverneck, Ovenkitty, Mayonnaise Kitty, and Bread Kitty. She is a real sweetheart. If her person-mom starts to cry, Rubberneck will jump up on the table or desk to give her extra love and console her.

Her people call her Rubberneck because when they adopted her from the veterinarian, she had a mangy neck, so the vet shaved off her neck fur. Then, whenever she craned her head to look for something, she looked like a rubberneck!


Our second star is Chow Ko Kung, a Siamese. He is the "leader of the spy kitties"and "vice president of the C.C.C. which stands for confidentaial cat corporation." His humans call him Koko. This is Koko's story as told by his person-brother.

"One day my 26 year old brother was picking up a load of wine from the winery where he works, and he found 3 stray kittens, a black runt, a gray, and a Siamese. He caught them and brought them back to my older sisters' house. I went over to their house to clean up after all of the sheep and cows and pigs and chickens and all of the barn cats. When I got there, there were the 3 new kittens. My sisters had 2 litters of barn kittens and 8 adult barn cats and one house cat. They wanted to keep Koko, but they couldn't, because the house cat hated Koko. So after I gave a few cute and loving looks to my grandma, she finally gave in. The next day, which was July 4th, we picked up Koko.

"Ever since he has been a little terror; he pulled my shelf out of the wall and broke my stereo, lava lamp and porcelein rabbit collection. Recently, Koko pulled out the ceiling fan. The last day of school I came home to find that he had stolen all of my hair clips and put them in his water bowl. He had also opened all of my bottles of nail polish and made a mess! (I have 53 bottles of nail polish.) I have scars all over my body, and he also eats my hair when I am asleep. At the end of the day he calms down and salivates all over my face, but it is all good."

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