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Ricki at 17
A little slideshow in memory of the Rick cat.
Copyright 1999-2018 by crazyforKITTIES (SM)
Kitty Star of the Week for February 9 - 15, 2003.
This week, meet Oliver.
His person-sister says,
"Oliver is a yellow and orange tabby! He is almost 4 months old.
Somone dropped him off at a party we went to, and I asked if I could
have him, but my parents said no. We went to church the next day, and
he had rode in the man's car and came running up to me! I cried,
and so did my cousin because we wanted to keep him at my house
and my parents said ok! I told them he was a gift from GOD!
Oliver smells like Fritos! I have no clue why he smells like that."