Kitty Star of the Week for May 11 - 17, 2003.
Meet Sam, a fluffy kitty of uncertain breed -- maybe a Himalyan.
His person-dad writes,
"He's extremely well-mannered and loving, and has a
great temperament. His favorite thing is food! He's
enormous, and loves being pet while he eats. If he
sees me walking to the kitchen, he'll run as fast as
he can ahead of me to his bowl, and stare at be as I
walk into the kitchen. He loves treats, also... so
when he's good I make sure and give him a couple each

"He's true to nature: nocturnal. He sleeps most of the
day and gets active during the evening and night. Of
course, any time I whistle he'll come out of his dark
hiding spot to get brushed and pet!
"He has huge bright blue eyes and long grey fur (which
can be tedious). I have to brush him every chance I
get, and can often get nearly a whole new cat off of
him by the time I'm done!"
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