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Kitty Star of the Week for September 19 - 25, 2004

This week our star is Mynxie. Her person-mom writes,

"How often do you get this very ‘special’ kitty in your life..

"Have of you have ever known a disabled person?... Well, I have and let me tell you any person that I have ever met that has been disabled 'tries harder' to be 'normal'. Don’t ask me what normal is, I really don’t know, all I know is that they do 'normal' better than the rest of us.

"Meet Mynxie, she is ‘blind’, ‘hooked tail’ ‘short’, ‘stubby’ and ‘round’. If you accidentally put something in her path, she runs into it, steps back, looks at it, analyzes the situation, then ‘goes’ around it. Doesn’t phase her one bit, she just adapts.

"Of course, she is special, how can you yell at a ‘blind kitty’? Mynxie by way of determination is my official ‘brat cat’. She will get on the highest pile of clothes, tip them all over and go ‘Who Me?’. She will go to a plate of cat food and growl at ‘whoever’ moves. But, ‘How can you get mad at a blind kitty?’ Whenever I see her kitty sibling Gatsb’ nail her to the ground, I know she has overstepped her bounds. And Gatsby is the most mellow cat I know (we have double digits in this house).

"When we installed our stairs, Mynxie looked at them, analyzed the situation, then took one stair at a time by putting her front feet down, taking 3 steps, dropping her hind feet, then repeating this sequence untill she hit bottom (12 steps). (If you dared help her, she went back to the top and started over.) When she had practiced this two times, she could *RUN* up and down like she could see what she was doing. We all luv her and protect her, but she is still the best BRAT CAT in the world.

"If you want to meet her best friends and family visit her home where she reigns!"

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