Kitty Star of the Week for November 7 - 13, 2004
Our star this week is Phoenix. Her person writes,
"Phoenix got her name because my previous tortie, Sheba, died (at 17) and
when I went to the shelter to look at kitties, she reached her paw out to
grab at me "I'm right here go no further". Sheba always did that as soon
as I came in the door, so I didn't go any further. Phoenix is now 13.
All torties are unusual cats and Phoenix is not an exception. She is a
sweet curmudgeon. She doesn't like to move for the vacuum cleaner until I
start to get the vacuum under her, and then she waddles away crabbing the
whole time. Same thing when I tell her to leave a room the kitties can't
be in unless I'm in there - she crabs the whole way out. (Similar to the
sound the Penguin made in the old Batman TV series). She's quick for a big
girl, and any open drawer or door is an invitation for her to get into
while I'm blinking - never see her do it! I hear her crabbing to get out
later on, though :) Of course, she's a box kitty.

"Phoenix is the queen of plastic. Just the crumpling sound of a plastic
bag is quite a head turner. Put one on the floor, and she lays on it. We
play games fighting for space on the plastic. All plastic must be licked.
She recently had to have a small tumor removed from her ear and came home
with a bandage around her paw where she had IV. She wouldn't let me take
it off, and she didn't take it off. Too similar to plastic and it was
hers, so there! During our followup visit, the vet was surprised to see
she'd left it on, but was glad they were able to provide her with some
She's been giving master classes to our 5 month old Malamute pup. She
won't move for the vacuum so she's not going to make an exception for him.
She stands her ground, smacks him in the face and hisses at him until he
tires of it. The kitties are used to having a big dog around, but a pup is
new to them. She's the only one to consistantly stand her ground with him.
She loves to be brushed and petted. She has several spots that are the
"wash button". Concentrate on those spots, and she feverishly washes a
front paw. Stop, and she rolls back in to you to continue, because no one
told you to stop!

"Favorite foods - just about anything edible, with tuna juice having the
edge. She thinks a bag of food is a self feeder, gnawing a hole in the
bottom corner before I have a chance to open it and store it in the tin.
She also likes to nibble dog kibble or lick the Milk Bones, just to annoy
the dog, usually as they're just dropping off for a nap. Yup, she's a tortie!"

You can visit Phoenix and her "siblings" at
their website
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