Kitty Stars of the Week for May 28 - June 3, 2000.
One of our visitors, Wade, writes:
Hello Fellow Feline Fanatics!
I would like to introduce you to four of my best friends. They are
Smoke Point Turkish Angoras, of near show quality. They are black with
grey undercoats and grey ear tufts and cowls. I used to have six
but my one of my human companions beat me out of two! These guys
must be descended from Fishing Cats because they have no fear of
water, in fact, they seek it out!
I have had pets all of my life but nothing compares to the sensitivity
of these guys. I swear they have emotions and intelligence. One of
them I believe could use some therapy! They are definitely four
individuals with four distinct personalities.
Gizmo "Schmo" Sweden (Back to the Camera):
Schmo is the only male in the gang. He is now 22 lbs. and runs things
around here. Schmo is the most vocal of the group as he will "chirp"
and "meow" his sentiments. His favorite things are new item
inspections, ambushes and major lap time.
Pooh-Ma Travers (second from front) is the "AcroCat." Pooh-Ma is
capable of balancing feats that stun even the other cats. She loves
to scavenger hunt for her hidden treats, likes tummy rubs (doesn't
everyone?) and splashing water on the other cats. Pooh-Ma drinks
with her right paw and has an assortment of tricks and stunts that
might qualify as "Stupid Pet Tricks." A hopeless showoff!
Dizzie Sweden (she loves to out-pose everybody) is a Prima Donna.
I guess she's a born Diva! Dizzie is the Matriarch of the gang and
is strangely sensitive to human emotions. If you are in a bad mood,
forget it! Dizzie ain't havin' it! She will rub and purr until you
are CATapulted into joy! If you are happy she picks right up on it
and swashes her tail vigorously in approval.
Dayna Sweden (looking exactly like Dizzie) is the "Neurotic Kitty"
as the runt. She's timid and rarely seen. She is most approachable
at night. She's a day-sleeper if there ever was one. As far as show
quality goes, she has it nailed, except for her tiny size. She is
very small and very smart. Dayna is a "Pounce" treat junkie. She is
the special companion of Wade's special companion. Dayna only trusts
Dizzie and Wade's friend Chantel.
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