Kitty Star of the Week for October 23 - 29, 2005
This week our Kitty star is Gatita Bonita, and her person writes,
"This is my cat Gatita Bonita, which means Pretty Kitty in Spanish. About 2 1/2 years
ago, a young man lived with us for awhile and brought his pregnant long haired calico cat
with him. His cat had kittens and when the young man moved out, we kept his cat and
all of her kittens, as he couldn't take them with him to Job Corps. Gatita is one of
those kittens and is now 2 years old. She is a very dignified and somewhat 'stuck up' cat,
very prissy. She isn't unfriendly, just very selective about who she makes friends with.
In the picture, she is sitting on her perch on my desk watching me use the computer.
Whenever I take a bath, Gatita and 2 of her companion cats race to the bathroom so they
can line up and watch me. For some reason, it's one of their favorite forms of
entertainment! Gatita also goes crazy chasing a laser light. That's her very favorite
thing to do! I love Gatita dearly and am glad to have her as part of our cat family."

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