This week we have a sad, cautionary, true story, as told by Darla Joy's
26 Days of Purr-fect Bliss
"Darla Joy Gram was our little darling. We adopted her April 1, 2008 from a
humane society. She was only a year and half old. Darla was part Japanese
Bobtail and part Abyssian. She was born around March in 2006 and died
April 27, 2008.

Resting after "Zooming" after her ping pong ball
Darla Joy was a brave little soul. Despite being forced to undergo spaying
surgery and surgery for a herniated umbilical cord, as well as the 5
required shots before she was strong enough to do so, Darla Joy still
taught us strength, love, dignity and respect. Only Darla Joy thanked me as
I cleaned up her litterbox by putting her little tail against my legs.
It was Darla Joy who chose to protect us by sleeping under my dresser or
dining room chair. Only twice did she give me a night time delight, when I
felt her furry body sleeping next to my shoulder or draped across my legs.
Darla Joy was malnourished and in no condition for surgery. She was also in
heat at the time. Rather than putting her health first, both the negligent
humane society and the incompetent vet who spayed her paid zero attention to
her health. Darla Joy was treated more like a decoration than God's
helpless creature.
Darla Joy had so much love, and life to give. During play time, she chased
her get well ping pong ball all over the house so fast that I nicknamed her
"Zoom"! She loved to play with her get well furry mice and threw them
into the air! Darla Joy and I had a lot of fun playing together. I will
treasure those special times we shared, Darla Joy!

Enjoying her anniversary gift to her mom: musical dancing flowers
Darla Joy ate so much the first week I thought I would need a loan to feed
her! She had been thrown into so many cages and carriers that opening the
cabinet to get her cat food frightened her. I could only feed her in the
dining room until she knew she was safe with us.
On our anniversary, April 17, Darla Joy was too wiggly for many photos.
Every time a human held her, she was either stuffed into something,
operated on or given shots. She was too nervous to hold still. I had to
put her down before she fell.

Resting after fighting with the nasty vet (notice her shaved tummy)
The day before Darla Joy died, I did not feel well. Darla Joy woke me up
to cuddle and then laid down by my feet. We cuddled for at least 3
minutes. That was the longest she ever let me hold her.
Darla Joy, out of the 7 times that's Mom's premature life has been saved,
nothing frightened me more than seeing you vomit manure! The
incompetant vet had perforated her bowel. Her bowel ruptured during the
might. All I could do was scream, "Wake up! Wake up! She's dying!" to
my husband. Darla Joy went into convulsions and died 7 mintues later at
4 a.m. I cried, "We love you! " as the life left her tortured body.
Darla Joy, Mom told the vets 5 times about the unusual odor in the
litterbox. Obviously, the vet who removed the stitches thinks her
pretty head is the diagnostic tool as she refused to thoroughly examine
you. Although nothing will ever restore your life to you, Mom reported
such incompetence to the State licensing board.
Darla Joy our 26 days of Purr-fect Bliss ended way too soon! You will always
be our shining example of strength, dignity, respect and grace under fire.
Mom has bought the letters D-A-R-L-A to wear on a special necklace. White
roses, your baby birth announcement pillow, and your favorite toys and few
photos adorn a shelf. We love you, Darla Joy, Mom and Dad."

Snuggling in her pet bed -- she will be sorely missed